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Free Race Awareness Sessions
24 May 2023
Things to Do
40 to 44 Queen Street Cardiff
CF10 2BX
Free Race Awareness Sessions

As part of our work to become an Equality City FOR Cardiff will be running a variety of workshops for our members and their teams.

The first of these workshops will be race awareness sessions in partnership with the No Boundaries consultancy. These sessions will be hosted by Metrobank on May 24th.

The course is designed to provide the opportunity to explore the impact of racism past and present. The various ways racism manifests including examples of racial microaggressions and language,  including the history of the more common words associated with racism.

The lived experiences of the facilitators will be shared with plenty of opportunities for discussion and interaction. Topics covered will include systemic racism and the effect this has on certain communities. There will be opportunities to reflect on influences in society and ideas on moving forward towards being an anti-racist society.

Course aims:

  • Increase confidence, awareness and knowledge to promote race equality and tackle discrimination in society.
  • Raise the awareness of subtle forms of racism, microaggressions and other sensitive themes in a safe space and through open and honest discussions.
  • Exploring the different types of bias, conscious and unconscious, cultural/social and experience along with exploring the problems that they create.
  • Self-evaluate and reflect on what adjustments can we make individually and collectively to address racial inequality and how we can move forward.
  • Empower individuals to feel more confident in discussing racial equality.

Book here for the AM session 9.30am – 12.30pm

Book here for the PM session 1pm – 4pm